Akibat Hukum Sewa Beli Sepeda Motor Dengan Angsuran

I Gusti Lanang Agung Kesuma Jaya


The lease purchase agreement with installments is born from the practice of the
community, which is in accordance with the principle of Agreement Law contained in article
1338 of the Civil Code, as it is known BW adheres to the system that the lease agreement is
only an obligator, while new ownership rights move by levering . The formulation of the
problem is as follows When will the ownership of the seller switch to the buyer in the
installment lease agreement? and what are the legal consequences if the buyer fails to pay installments in the installment lease agreement? The method used by conducting field
research is mainly motorbike rental purchases in installments, using primary data and
secondary data. The transfer of ownership rights from the seller to the buyer in a lease
agreement by giving rights and placing obligations on both parties, namely giving the buyer
the right to demand the transfer of ownership rights to the item. Legal consequences if the
buyer neglects to pay installments in an installment lease agreement, ie if there is a
negligence of the agreement, the item can be taken or executed because the Debtor debtor
does not fulfill his performance. The conclusion is the switching of ownership rights from the
seller to the buyer in the installment lease agreement is if the buyer has paid off the
motorcycle installments to the seller or in the lease agreement of movable goods with
installments of the ownership of the goods has just switched from the seller's hand to the
buyer when paid . Legal consequences if the buyer is negligent in paying.


Because of law ; Rent buy ; Installments

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47532/jirk.v2i1.152


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