Re-Design Homestay Lokal Selaras Dengan Industri Pariwisata

I Made Juniastra


For a house that is in a tourism location, the house not only functions as a residence, but also has a high economic value, which can be rented and combined with other businesses so as to maximize profits. Nevertheless, the customs and traditions of Balinese Culture and local wisdom must still be preserved. Sanur Village is one of the tourist destinations in Bali which is very well known to foreign countries with its traditions and natural beauty. Sanur is a tourist area where most of the local people become tourism operators. The houses where people live are traditional and religious places of activity, as well as being a place of business in tourism or supporting tourism facilities. For example, it is used for homestays including supporting facilities, such as restaurants, spas, loundries, bicycles or motorbike rental, and also cooperation as promotion agents for other tourist attractions. For this reason, a planned arrangement is needed in the form of a master plan from the area of the resident's house so that it remains private to be occupied with the family, that is, as a place to live as well as a place to perform traditional ceremonies /events, and also to have privacy for guests who stay overnight. Sanur Homestay is one of the many homestays in Sanur that is owned and managed by the local community. With a fairly large area of land like most house land in the village, the arrangement of the building is still not optimal, where the owner's activity and circulation still mingle with the guests' activities and circulation. Likewise for the standard of accommodation facilities it still needs to be added to maximize services. Planning is done by collecting site and existing buildings data, then grouping which buildings are permanent and which ones are suitable for renovation. Then designed new facilities in the form of buildings for homestays, restaurants, spas, front offices, service areas, and site management in the form of swimming pools and open spaces. The design is carried out with the concept of applying the principles of Traditional Balinese Architecture, namely the application of the Nawa Sanga concept on site zoning and the application of the Tri Angga concept to the appearance figure of the building, which is combined with Modern Tropical Architecture.


Homestay, Bali Traditional Architecture, Modern Tropical

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Glebet I Nyoman,dkk. 1986. Arsitektur Tradisional Daerah Bali. Denpasar: Depdikbud Propinsi Bali.

Juniastra I Made. 2019. Perancangan Gedung Laboratorium Sebagai Bagian Terintegrasi Rumah Sakit. Bali. Prosiding Seminar Semarayana Undwi



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