Penggunaan Mol Hijau Pada Tanaman Kakao Di Desa Dangintukadaya, Kecamatan Jembrana, Kabupaten Jembrana

Nuranita Naningsi


This study aims to determine the effect of using green Local Microorganisms for cocoa plants ((Theobroma cacao L) Cocoa is a plant that has many benefits. Production of cocoa beans often decreases. One of the contributing factors is due to white bug infestation (Planococcus minor). These insects suck the small fruit so the fruit will dry up and fruit growth is inhibited. Inappropriate use of synthetic insecticides will have a bad impact. Local Microorganisms is fermented solution made from the materials around us. The aim of this study giving farmers an understanding of the purpose, benefits and mechanism for using green Local Microorganisms to reduce the impact of using chemical pesticides. Green Local Microorganisms is very effective in killing white lice on cocoa plants.


Green Local Microorganisms; Glirisidia sepium; Planococcus minor.

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