Perkembangan Tanah Dari Bahan Vulkan Pada Toposekuen Wilayah Bangli Selatan, Kabupaten Bangli
Research on the development of soil from vulkan material in the toposcopic southern Bangli Region as for the purpose of the study is as follows: (1) the process of formation and development of soil formed from toposcopic volcanic material in the southern, Bangli Region (2) obtain data on soil characteristics in the southern Bangli Region (3) knowing the potential of land for agricultural management in the southern, Bangli Region.
This research was carried out with methods of soil survey, laboratory analysis, and supported with secondary data. Three profiles that represent Local Topography is selected based on the height of the different places, profile (N-1) with an altitude of 850 metres above sea level, profile (N-2) with an altitude of 540 metres above sea level, and the profile (N-1) h with an altitude of 200 metres above sea level. A third profile is have the same slope direction that is the direction the southern slope.
Parent material formed in the area of research is derived from volcanic material, namely tuff deposits of lava and Vulcan of Buyan and Beratan, Batur, Ancient. Research areas included in the climate type A (very wet). The process of genesis of soils that occur in research is to the top slopes are experiencing a process of erosion, the middle slopes of the transport process and foot slopes of the deposition process.
Third that profile has undergone a process of horisonisasi. The level of development of land is at the stage of virile. The characteristics of the soil a bit sour, cation exchange capacity of low to medium, base saturation is low to moderate, organic material is very low to low, the texture of the sand very clay to clay. Types of minerals found in the third profile dominated by halloysite minerals.
Based on the results of research affect soil properties that are formed. On the top slopes are formed very deep in the depths of the solum > 177 centi metres, middle slopes formed solum in depth> 153 centi metres and foot slopes formed a shallow at a depth of solum > 137 centi metres. Bangli area Southern potentially in support of plant growth and increase agricultural production.
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