Pengembangan Kawasan Perkotaan Di Bali Sebagai Konektivitas Industri Pariwisata
Development of Urban Areas Today More Rapidly, various components of the city become a success in the development and structuring of an integrated City. City planning is an activity to formulate a policy that can be used to make a city plan in the future. Urban planning will be better, if there is harmony and mutual understanding between government and private forces that complement each other. This study uses a rationalistic approach with data that is processed qualitatively. Data in the form of literature and maps were collected to see signs and findings in the field. Then compile theoretical conceptualization based on existing theories of the research variables. Planning as a whole cannot only be done by one or several people but must be synergistic with all stakeholders. The role of government, city planning must be in accordance with the legislation applies to certain urban and regional areas, which are related to health, safety and community welfare, land use, distribution of parcels and environmental quality. Urban planning must also be in accordance with the culture and social conditions of the people living in the city. Because in essence city planning is made to provide security, comfort, provide convenience, and can even improve the welfare of the people who inhabit the city. Good intercity connectivity can provide a major contribution to tourism destinations in each city / region. In the future, it will be a great work if the development of urban areas on the island of Bali as a connectivity path for the tourism industry is integrated into one urban planning guideline
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