Perancangan Plts Sebagai Sumber Energi Pemanas Kolam Pendederan Ikan Nila

IG Suputra Widharma, IN Sunaya, IM Sajayasa, IGN Sangka


This research has been done in the larvae fish pond in Lumbung Village, Tabanan regency. Surya cell is device consists of solar cell, charge controller, and batterei that change sunlight to be electric. Fish like many living organisms have specific tolerant range of various environmental parameters, thus fish larvae ponds of specific types of fish species requires certain conditions that have to be reached. Larvae that have hatched, should be raised in a special place, when their ages are 5-7 days. And it becomes threat if in interval 3 – 4 weeks happen cold weather that make the larvae will be died. To avoid the cold weather occurs, warming can be done with heater or halogen lamps. Solar Energy is produced by the Sunlight is a non-vanishing renewable source of energy which is free from ecofriendly. The highest intensity of sunlight occurs at 11.00-14.00 with the value of the intensity of sunlight is around 96.000 - 112.500 lumen and average power about 24 – 28 W. Monitoring and taking actions to maintain the habitat’s sustainable environment for certain larvae inside of fish larvae ponds. Halogen lamps give the warmth to the water with the intensity of the light in cash, so that the water temperature is located between 27 – 30 oC at the night.


Solar panel; PLTS, Heating; Fish Pond

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