Analisis Peluang Usaha Pembuatan Alat Permainan Edukatif Anak Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19

L.Virginayoga Hignasari


This study aimed to determine the business opportunities for making educational game tools during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was a qualitative research using literature study method. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively. The development of children's abilities during this pandemic cannot be underestimated. Parents and teachers must work together to create an effective learning for children. In designing an interesting and effective learning, one must use learning media that can attract children's interest. Therefore educational play tools were a solution to the problems faced by most parents during this pandemic. Educational play tools become a medium for creating meaningful learning activities for children. Seeing the importance of this educational game tool, the public's demand for this media was increasing. This was one of the factors that made selling educational game tools a promising business opportunity. Several manufacturers that produce educational games have experienced an increase in the number of orders and this has resulted in an increase in sales turnover. Business opportunities in the sale of educational game tools based on market analysis will continue to increase. This was because parents' awareness of child development was increasing. Based on this, to start a business in this field a number of things that must be done are starting to become a reseller, expanding the sales network, increasing cooperation with foundations engaged in child education and looking for craftsmen partners to start producing their own.


opportunity business; children educational play tools; pandemic covid-19

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