Tingkat Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Pada Industri Pariwisata Di Kecamatan Kuta Selatan

Ajeng Hayuanandra


Kuta Selatan subdistrict is one of the tourism hotspots in Bali, as shown by the rates of development in the economic sector, especially in the tourism industry. The numbers of accommodations in Kuta Selatan, from 2018 data, are 329 non-star hotel, 33 five star hotels, 12 four star hotels, 12 three star hotels, 12 four star hotels and approximately 150 private villas (BPS,2019). Daily operation of hotels produces hazardous waste such as electronic waste, LED light, oil and chemical containers. Electronic waste is content with heavy metal such as mercury, lead, lithium and cadmium. Hazardous wastes that are released into the environment without any treatment can be harmful for public health. The purpose of this research is to know how far tourism industries, especially hotels and private villas, have implemented the requirements for hazardous waste management. Hazardous waste management consists of permits, container, storage, collection and treatment. Permits and temporary hazardous waste storage are mandatory requirements for hotels to have as a first step of the whole process of hazardous waste management. Based on the data collection from 150 samples, we are shown that 70% of hotels with a capacity of 300-400 rooms already have hazardous waste temporary storage as well as the permit. With smaller scale hotels, only 50% already have hazardous waste temporary storage, as well as the permit. In contrast, in small scale accommodation, such as hotels with a capacity under 100 rooms, and private villas, only 4 % have proper hazardous waste temporary storage.


Hazardous Waste Management, Tourist Accommodation, Kuta Selatan District

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47532/jiv.v3i1.102


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