Developing Reading Comprehension Materials For Reading 1st Course In The Second Semester Of Social And Politic Science Faculty At Mahendradatta University

I Made Arka


This study aimed at developing good reading comprehension materials for reading 1st course in second semester of Social and Politic Science Faculty at Mahen- dradatta University. It was developed by using the Research and Development proposed by Sugiyono (2010). The content of the product was based on Competency Standard and Basic Competency mentioned in the syllabus. The reading materials which have been provided for the second grade of reading 1st course in second grade of Social and Poli- tic Science Faculty at Mahendradatta University based on the criteria of a good reading material, involved the reading comprehension materials for reading 1st course that are relevant to convey the topic of (1) Grief and Escape, (2) Speech Production, (3) Career Women, (4) Visiting Bali, (5) “Ada Apa dengan Cinta?”, and (6) How to make Ice Cream. The reading comprehension materials, which should be developed, involved the skill of

(1) understanding text organization, (2) inferring, (3) evaluating the text, (4) predicting,

(5) understanding the writer’s style, and (6) dealing with unfamiliar words. The reading materials were corrected by the expert judges and field tested. The product, which was in the form of reading materials, was tried out twice. Firstly, it was tried out to the twenty students of the second semester and one lecturer Mahendradatta University. The result of the analysis showed that there were some invalid items. Then, the product was revised. Secondly, it was tried out in the second semester and two lecturers Mahendradatta Uni- versity. The results of the analysis showed that all of the items were valid. The product did not need to be revised again. Therefore, it could be used for reading 1st course in second semester of Social and Politic Science Faculty at Mahendradatta University.


Development; materials; reading comprehension; competancy standart

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