Analisis Orientasi Kewirausahaan Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Pemasaran Pada Pengrajin Keben Di Banjar Tanggahan Peken Desa Sulahan Kecamatan Susut Kabupaten Bangli
The intense competition requires businesses to innovate constantly. The innovation carried
out certainly does not forget the values of local wisdom found in the local community. This condition led the keben craftsmen in the Tanggahan Peken banjar to implement an
entrepreneurial orientation based on local wisdom. Studies on local wisdom are mostly
associated with positive values, habits and traditions of a society from a social, cultural and
environmental perspective. Keben as one of the tools for Hindu offerings to God Almighty is
also commonly used at other traditional events, so keben has a meaning that is closely related
to the implementation of ceremonies and customs. Innovation in the making and design of
keben is very necessary considering that the craft of keben is the mainstay of the people's
economy in the Banjar Tanggahan Peken which is the majority of the people's livelihoods
there. Every form of keben and style that decorates it is taken from the values of the local
wisdom of the local community. This study aims to analyze the entrepreneurship orientation
based on local wisdom as an effort to improve the marketing performance of keben craftsmen
in Banjar Tanggahan Peken. This study uses a qualitative method using interview research
instruments, observation and documentation studies. The results of data analysis in this study
used descriptive qualitative. The results of the study explained that 1) the development of
keben handicraft business in Banjar Tanggahan Peken experienced ups and downs, from the
number of craftsmen having decreased, but from the number of collectors experiencing an
increase. 2) The application of entrepreneurship orientation based on local wisdom can
improve the marketing performance of keben craft business, this requires the craftsmen to
always innovate, be proactive and be brave to take risks.
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