Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Tugas Dan Fungsi Bagian Humas Dan Protokol Dalam Menjaga Citra Kepala Daerah Pada Humas Dan Protokol Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Jembrana
Relations and Protocol. Public Relations and Protocols have the duty and function to
take responsibility and maintain a positive image that already exists in an agency or
company and to better re-image where the agency or company is located, has the role
of delivering a policy or all information carried out by an agency or a company. From
the above background, the purpose of this study is to find out how the effectiveness
of the implementation of the duties and functions of the Public Relations and Protocol
Section in Maintaining the Image of the Regional Head (Study in the Public Relations
and Protocol Section of the Jembrana Regency Regional Secretariat.The data in this
study are qualitative secondary data. The population was taken from employees in the
Public Relations and Protocol Section of the District Secretariat of Jembrana totaling
35, the sample method used was the census method. The data analysis technique used
is descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection methods used in this research are
interview and documentation study methods.The results of the study showed that the
effectiveness of the duties and functions of the Public Relations and Protocol section
in maintaining the image of regional heads in the Regional Secretariat of Jembrana
District had been going well, as seen from the indicators: Reception / hearing
(domestic and foreign) was carried out in accordance with the specified standards.
Guest visits (domestic and foreign) are carried out in accordance with applicable
guidelines. Travel to the region / Overseas is carried out in accordance with specified
guidelines. Meeting / session arrangements are well implemented. The holding of a
reception / banquet has been carried out well. The implementation of the ceremonies
is in accordance with the established rules. With the implementation of the duties and
functions of the Public Relations and Protocol section, the image of the regional head
can be maintained properly, as seen from the indicators: Personality of the regional
head increases with the implementation of public relations and protocol activities
properly. Reputation of Jembrana Regency has improved the implementation of
public relations and procolo activities. The value of Jembrana Regency increases with
the implementation of public relations and procolo activities properly. Identity or self
can be seen by the implementation of public relations and protocol activities well.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47532/jic.v3i1.131
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