Analisis Efektivitas Pelayanan Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM) Pada Polres Karangasem
complicated method makes the service process becomes longer. In addition, the
professionalism of the unit of service personnel driving licenses on Polres Karangasem
are still questionable performance, as well as facilities and inadequate infrastructure
that is part of the problem contained in the driving license offices on
Polres Karangasem.
The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the system method
procedures, personnel and infrastructure to the effectiveness of service license in
the office of the Polres Karangasem. The theory used is from Siagian (2009: 60)
regarding the effectiveness of work includes time, precision, style and service when
they give and factors that affect public services from Moenir (2016: 8) the system
of procedures and methods, personnel and infrastructure. The method used in this
research is quantitative by taking the total number of respondents was 100 people.
The results showed that procedure systems factor methods, personnel and infrastructure
are together effect on the effectiveness of driver’s license services at the
Polres Karangasem and it is known that the personnel factor is the most influential
factor on the effectiveness of driver’s license services at the Office of the Polres
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