Perlindungan Hukum Kepada Notaris Dalam Pembuatan Akta Apabila Terjadi Kasus Sengketa Di Pengadilan

Pande Made Teguh Surya Dharma


The position of the Notary is held or his presence is desired by the rule of law with a view to assisting and serving the public who need authentic written evidence regarding the circumstances, events or legal actions. If in the future a problem or error arises in the minutes of the deed due to the notary's failure to comply with the provisions of the Act, the result is that the deed only has the strength of proof as a deed under the hand or becomes null and void, which can be an excuse for the party suffering a loss to demand compensation to the notary public. Based on the above, the problem discussed in this thesis is the Notary's Liability for the deeds he made if an error occurs in the minutes of the deed and Legal Protection for the Notary Public If a Sangketa Occurs in the Court the type of research is normative research and uses a theoretical framework in the form of legal protection theory and responsibility answer the law. Notary liability for the deed he made as an authorized official, namely in the case of civil law, civil liability for legal construction used for the responsibility of Notary truth in a deed done by him is the construction of Unlawful Acts, in criminal matters, criminal liability, related with a notary error, then what is used is beroepsfout, in the case of the Notary Position Legislation, in carrying out their work, a notary is obliged to obey the rules contained in the Notary Position Act, in the case of a notary making a copy of the document not the same as the minutes of the deed, that in fact the Notary. Providing legal protection and guarantees to the Notary that is regulated in the Notary Position Law Number 2 of 2014, there are three main things related to UUJN, namely Supervision, Protection, and Notary Organization


Notary; Responsibility; Legal Protection

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Habieb Adjie, 2008, Sanksi Perdata dan Administrasi Terhadap Notaris sebagai Pejabat Publik, Bandung : Rafika Aditama.

Christin Sasauw, 2015, “Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Kekuatan Mengikat Suatu Akta Notaris”, Jurnal Lex Privatum, Vol. III/No.1

Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris Nomor 2 Tahun 204 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata


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