Penyelesaian Pertentangan Norma Antara Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang Dengan Peraturan Menteri Hukum Dan Ham Nomor 18 Tahun 2018 Dalam Proses Pendaftaran CV Di Indonesia
There are many advantages to running a business using a business entity. One form of business entity that can be chosen is a limited partnership company or CV. A limited partnership is a popular form of business entity other than a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as PT). The Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 Year 2018 Concerning Electronic Business Licensing Services, which is then clarified again with the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation Number 17 Year 2018 concerning Registration of limited partnership, firm alliance and civil alliance. Indonesia is not the easiest country to set up a new company or to play an active role in business. Previously the establishment of a CV was regulated in the Commercial Law Code (hereinafter referred to as KUHD). Based on the foregoing the problem discussed in this thesis is how the registration process of the Komanditer Company (CV) according to KUHD and Permenkumham Number 17 Year 2018 and how is the resolution of norm conflicts between KUHD and Permenkumham Number 17 Year 2018 to ensure the legal certainty of the registration of the Komanditer Company (CV) ) in Indonesia. This type of research is a normative research that is supported by empirical research and uses a theoretical framework in the form of the rule of law, the theory of norm hierarchy, the theory of legal protection and the theory of legal certainty. The process of registering a limited company (CV) in Indonesia, is : The process of registering a limited company (CV) according to the Code of Commercial Law (KUHD), which is required to register at the District Court. The process of registering a limited partnership company (CV) according to the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 17 of 2018, namely: The registration process, namely for the establishment of a limited partnership company, is required to submit a CV name through the Business Entity Administration System (BEAS). Resolution of norm conflicts between KUHD and Permenkumhan Number 18 of 2018, namely Registered Company Registration is carried out with the two rules that are registered with the District Court and Business Administration System (BEAS). So the conclusion is that the registration process of the Military Command (CV) according to the Indonesian Criminal Code is registered with the court and according to Permenkumham No. 18 of 2018 registered in the Business Entity Administration System (SABU). The resolution of norm conflicts in the registration of limited partnership companies is done by using both regulations, which are registered at the local court clerks and registered in the Business Entity Administration (SABU) system. As a suggestion, it can be conveyed that the legislators to immediately form a single rule regarding CV registration that prioritizes the principle of legal certainty. CV in order to continue to refer to the applicable laws and regulations, including the application
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