Pertanggungjawaban Para Medis Dalam Hal Malpraktekdi Rumah Sakit Bhakti Rahayu Denpasar

Mikha Fatma Deniza


This research was entitled “The responsibility of the medical case of malpractice at Bhakti Rahayu Hospital Denpasar”. The written talked about the responsibility of medical personnel for malpractice and restitution that must be  paid by the doctor or medical personnel for the laxity happened to the victims of malpractice. Malpractice in the medical field performed by medical personnel nowadays is getting so much attentions through society due to malpractice issue, that was done both by the doctor an nurse that causing major drawback to the patient, material and non-material value. The non-material values such as traumatic or strong feeling of fear, physical disabled of body anatomy that needs particular treatment offer by doctor, also the lack of normative law tha regulating medical malpractice accuses   those victims hardly enough to demand…. and  getting their right for  the restitution. The Problems that matter are : how are the victims demanding their right for the restitution, and are the malpractice victims are deservesd to resive the restitution? how’s the responsibility the law protection of the medical personnel? The metode used was normative yuridis research, it is a law research applying by researching on library material and legislation law. As for the approach problem used in this reseach are legislation approach, conceptual approach, and comparison approach. Result from the reseach being done, know that malpractice medical victims are allowed to demand about the restitution  to Hospital and  medical personnel  in case the doctor or the nurse found  guilty in the profession. There needs to be a normative rule of law that regulates the details regarding medical malpractice and legal protection for medical personnel.   Both determine criteria of medical treatment that can be cited as medical malpractice and the compensation that must be paid to victims who suffer laxity or demages resulting from medical malpractice  and legal protection for medical personnel.


The Restitution; Medical Malpractice; Accountability of Medical Person

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