Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Upaya Kepolisian Resor (Polres) Tabanan Dalam Mengurangi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas

I Ketut Bagiana


The police patrol is carried out to find out the social and cultural conditions of the community so that community routines are known in a place where eventually one day things that are found outside the area's customs will be known, and easily overcome violations or crime in the region. It seems that to overcome the problem of traffic in this country is not enough with the Law or the Traffic Police, but also carried out by the Police in the jurisdiction of Tabanan Resort. It is necessary to grow and build public awareness of the culture of orderly traffic. For that we all need to learn polite in traffic. The formulas discussed in this study are the factors that cause traffic accidents in the Tabanan District Police Legal Area (Polres) and efforts made by the police to reduce traffic accidents in the Tabanan District Police Legal Areas (Polres). The type of research used is normative research which is supported by empirical research, using theoretical basis is the theory of the rule of law, the theory of legal protection, the theory of authority, and the police of the Republic of Indonesia. In conclusion, the causes of traffic accidents are caused by internal factors such as disobeying traffic signs, not riding safety (helmets or seat belts) when passing traffic, using excessive speed in driving, etc., and external factors such as facilities and road infrastructure does not yet reflect and does not pay attention to safety aspects, public transport management both at the central and regional levels still reflects an unhealthy management, disorderly arrangement of traffic, government attention and the public component of traffic safety and public legal compliance have not become a common concern and even considered as an accident. The efforts made to reduce traffic accidents are through penal and non-penal efforts which are translated into short-term, medium-term, and long-term programs. These programs contain strategies on public education about road traffic and traffic regulations, understanding of the vision and mission of law enforcement in the field of traffic, improving the quality of law enforcement in the field of traffic, improving facilities and infrastructure, utilizing technology, management and engineering traffic. As a suggestion of the high number of traffic accidents that have been successfully dealt with by law enforcement officials and accidents which are in plain sight still coloring the daily life of traffic is expected to be suppressed (minimized) through law enforcement measures both in the form of preventive and repressive, decisive and offset other efforts in the form of enterprising education of traffic communities and traffic engineering measures. There are a number of suggestions in this research: Government, namely the affairs in the field of education, it is recommended that a clear curriculum be made regarding traffic to the community through formal and non-formal education by involving various parties in order to make legal compliance a necessity and culture of the community.


Police Efforts; Tabanan Resort Police; Reducing Traffic Accidents

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